2025 International Conference on Electrical, Control and Artificial Intelligence (ICOECAI 2025)


Prof. Graziano Chesi

The University of Hong Kong, China

IEEE Fellow


Graziano Chesi is a full professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Hong Kong. He received the Laurea in Information Engineering from the University of Florence and the PhD in Systems Engineering from the University of Bologna. He served as associate editor for various journals, including Automatica, the European Journal of Control, the IEEE Control Systems Letters, the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, the IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and Systems and Control Letters. He also served as chair of the Best Student Paper Award Committees of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control. He authored the books "Homogeneous Polynomial Forms for Robustness Analysis of Uncertain Systems" (Springer 2009), "Domain of Attraction: Analysis and Control via SOS Programming" (Springer 2011), and "LMI-Based Robustness Analysis In Uncertain Systems" (Now Publishers 2024). He was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow for contributions to control of nonlinear and multi-dimensional systems.
